Call Him Saul

I met Saul “by accident” one night when we bumped into each other at an open mic night at a local bar here in Ocean Springs. In my quest to get to know people, listen to their stories, and earn their trust as their pastor here, I have been frequenting a lot of open mic nights — Those nights tend to be less “touristy” and have a gathering of more locals, people I can see repeatedly and build a relationship with over time. And that is where I met Saul. Now, open mic nights can be a risky mix, musically. There can be a well-polished musician, playing to try out some new songs in front of a live audience. But he might be followed by another musician, playing for the first time in public, with all of the nerves and anxiety that accompany the gargantuan task of taking the risk of letting others hear you play for the first time.

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