The Vision

Hope Presbyterian is a gospel community that exists to reach Ocean Springs to reach the world for Jesus Christ.

What will this gospel community look like?

  • We will enter into each other’s stories, and the stories of those around us

  • We will find ways to share our lives, our brokenness, and the transforming power of the gospel with each other and with the lost

  • We will not primarily pursue a building, or programs, or a brand, or our own agendas and needs

  • Rather, we will seek to be a biblical community, a New Testament community in line with what we see in the church in Acts 2

  • So we will share with one another, live life together with one another, weep with one another, rejoice with one another, and seek to live out the gospel in our midst every day of the week

  • We will not wait for the lost to find us, rather we will go forward from worship and Bible study each week with intentional purpose to weave our lives into the lives and stories of those around us.